Molly, from our Social Media team has just got back from a fantastic ship visit on Carnival Glory in Barcelona. From the incredible food, to the ship tour and learning all about the entertainment on Carnival Glory, this was definitely an unforgettable ship visit and experience!

Here’s what she got up to whilst she was on Carnival Glory:

We first met with the International Sales team which gave us training about Carnival. Everyone who attended received Carnival goodie bags. The team gave a powerpoint presentation with everything we would need to know about Carnival Cruises. They went into detail of new and exciting things that are coming up, such as, Celebration Key Carnival’s new private island that is launching in Summer 2025 – we went through the adults-only and family parts of the island. During the training, we also got to meet/learn about our own ‘Fun Ambassador.’ They shared their top tricks to sell Carnival to customers. We also got to have a look at Carnival’s best selling ship, Carnival Venezia. They showed us videos of the ship, and I can see why it is top selling! I found this very helpful as I think I will be able to put the training we received to good use at work within my role in the social media team – creating blogs and social content.

After the training, we had lunch from the extensive buffet on Carnival Glory. The food was amazing! There were so many different types of foods to choose from. I went for a burger from ‘Guy’s Burget Joint’ (I strongly recommend this), and this was the best burger I have ever had!

On board Carnival Glory

On board you can eat as much as you want from any food stall you’d like. They also offer dining options such as ‘Red Sail’ restaurant and the ‘Platinum’ restaurant.

There is so much to do on board. We went on a tour of the waterslides, the adults-only Serenity Spa, the kids club, games room, casino and all the bars/clubs. On Carnival Glory there’s also movie nights on the top deck – this is perfect if you have a busy day and you just wanted to chill with some good food later on in the evening. There is literally something for all age groups on board!

We also had a room tour of one of the balcony cabins. The cabin and balcony were a good size for a couple to stay in. When walking through the deck with all the rooms we even got to see how some of the passengers decorated their cabin doors.

The Carnival staff were so friendly and always offering to help. When you first board the ship you are greeted by the staff cheering and singing. There was such a good atmosphere – it would definitely put you in the perfect mood to start your holiday!

Favourite part of the trip

My favorite part of the cruise visit was definitely the food!! You could go on holiday for 2 weeks on Carnival Glory and not get bored of the food as you could 100% have something different each night.

I also enjoyed the dinner at the end of our trip. The Carnival team treated us to dinner with the most stunning view. The restaurant was called ‘Mirabe’, and we all just chatted and had a few drinks.

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