Hand Luggage Essentials

Writing a packing list for your hand luggage essentials never feels straight-forward. On the one hand you don’t want to carry too much through the airport, but you also don’t want to be caught out by not having something you need while eye-level with the clouds. If you’re flying short-haul, the issue of hand luggage isn’t that pressing, but if you’re boarding a flight that flies over continents and oceans to somewhere like Australia or Japan, you’re probably going to want some creature comforts.

Below we’ve rounded-up five hand-luggage essentials for long-haul flights that will help you arrive in your destination rested and relaxed.

  1. A pre-loaded entertainment system

    Whether your entertainment of choice is games, TV, film, music or books come prepared with something to occupy yourself with. Bring a paperback to read or load up your e-book reader. If you have a tablet, download a few films or the next season of your current TV show. If music or gaming is your hobby of choice, make sure your devices are stocked up. Don’t forget your power-pack either!

  2. 24-hours worth of clothes

    While still rare, suitcases are more likely to go missing on a long-haul flight with a change over. As a precaution, take 24-hours worth of clothes in your hand-luggage so you can get on with your holiday while the airport chases up your case. A change of underwear, bathing suit, sleepwear, and a day outfit should be enough to cover you.

  3. A small toiletries bag

    Tying into the point above, a small toiletries bag is something you’ll be glad you packed in the event your case goes missing. However, many travellers still like to carry a few basic beauty products on board with them. For example cabin air can cause already dehydrated skin to feel extra-parched, so dry-skin sufferers sometimes pack a small tube of moisturiser. Other common hand-luggage beauty items include 100ml bottles of sun-screen, deodorant, toothpaste and hand-sanitiser.

  4. Warm socks

    On a long haul flight there’s a chance you’ll want to curl up and catch some sleep. Sleeping with shoes on is not the comfiest task and feet can get chilly on a flight. Pack some fuzzy socks to keep toes warm.

  5. Some snacks

    Feeling the pangs of hunger when 25,000 feet in the air is never a comfortable experience. While most long-haul flights come with a meal included, it might not be enough to comfort the hungriest of flyers. If you have a big appetite throw in a few bits of solid food, or buy something after the security gates (liquid-esque foods are treated the same way at security as shampoo – must be in the clear bag).